Friday, February 6, 2015

Cara Tillman Interview

Cara sings back-up vocals in Sweet Spirit

What's your pet peeve?
I find it really irritating when people pretend to know a lot about a topic they actually know very little about for the sake of argument or to appear smarter/better/more attractive than everyone else at the table. It's also important to remind myself that when things annoy me about other people, it might be because I possess a little more of that particular irritating quality than I care to admit.

I don't know if that even counts as a pet peeve, so here goes: the overuse of commas really chaps my ass, guys.

What's the one place you wanna see before you die? Why?
Right now I'd really like to go to Joshua Tree. A road trip there would be swell. Seems like a totally attainable goal before I shuffle off this mortal coil, yeah?

What's the worst/hardest job you've ever had?
One summer during college I waited tables at Rod's Pizza Cellar in Hot Springs, Arkansas. The owner--before he joined the great pepperoni party in the sky--was largely immobile, and he sat in his office all day watching the cameras trained on the server station. He called me to his office once to yell at me for letting too much foam spill over the side of a glass while pouring a beer. Once while taking an order at a large table of patrons I watched through the window as the kitchen manager kicked the living shit out of a man in the parking lot who returned to the restaurant to complain about an incorrect delivery order. I stayed until the end of the summer because I needed to pay rent and I had walked out on one pizza-slinging gig already, and when I finally did call it quits, I took the cash in my apron and ran out the front door an hour into my shift, cowardly but sweetly victorious.

To whom do you owe a huge thank you and why?
I suppose for obvious reasons I must thank my parents for being good at listening and quick to laugh, for giving me piano lessons and for dragging me to church three times a week for the entirety of my childhood. It was there that I learned to harmonize and, perhaps ironically, to think for myself.

If you had only 24 hours left, what would you eat?
I'd empty my bank account on oysters and smelly cheeses and pink champagne.

Is there one piece of advice or wisdom that was given to you that just stuck? If so, what was it?
I'm not sure it's advice so much as an admonition, but my grandmother used to sign off our visits with "be good," which I'm sure meant something along the lines of "behave yourself so that you may find a suitable husband and procreate," but I've come to interpret it more broadly, even if it means misbehaving.

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